BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button save to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in Internet Wayback Machine in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button save to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in through in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button search to the toolbar and you will be able to see pages in Internet Wayback Machine in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button search to the toolbar and you will be able to search pages in in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button Create link to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button Create Perma link to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in in a click. BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button Memento to the toolbar and you will be able to see pages in the metaarchiver memento in a click. BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button reconstruct to the toolbar and you will be able to reconstruct pages with Memento in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button to the toolbar and you will be able to see pages through in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button freezepage to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in Freezepage in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button Webcite to the toolbar and you will be able to see archive pages in Webcitation in a click. BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button to the toolbar and you will see an version of a page (that means, you don't give pageviews to it)
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button google cache to the toolbar and you will be able to see pages with the Google Cache in a click. BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button megalodon search to the toolbar and you will be able to search pages in Megalodon in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button megalodon save to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in in a click.
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button to the toolbar and you will be able to archive pages as you see ( in a click. To see more Bookmark archiver

Not archiving

BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button to the toolbar and you will be able to manipulate images in several ways
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button google favicon to the toolbar and you will be able to see the favicon of pages
BOOKMARKLET:Drag this button enable save to the toolbar and you will be able to avoid the display of annoying popup that say that you can't save images